The quality of the print is also dependent on what kind of ink and paper you’re using. If you routinely print off multi-page reports and you want them hot off the press, you’ll be waiting awhile as your ink jet printer labors through them. On the downside: ink jet printers are notoriously slow and the quality varies wildly. If you’re interested in using an ink jet printer for photos, we’d suggest checking out our guide to photo paper and ink quality here. Since the ink is sprayed down on the surface, isn’t heated, and (using the pass-through tray) it isn’t bent or rolled, it’s possible to use all sorts of media in most ink jet printers ranging from photo paper to specialty stocks like canvas and T-shirt transfers.

They can print plain black and white documents, color photos, and print on a variety of media that other printers simply can’t match. We’re going to detail the major technologies on the market with their benefits and short comings. The mechanics of printing can involve blasts of ink, powder toner, electrostatic charges, or any other number of combinations to produce an image.

The core of any printer is the technology driving the actual print process. The key is to buy a printer for the work you’re doing, not the work you think you might be doing in the future (in other words: buy the printer for the business reports you print now, not the colorful scrap book pages you wish you had time to work on). Do you print mostly black and white text copies? Color photos? Color proposal drafts for your home business? What kind of printing you do is the biggest factor in what kind of printer you should shop for. Think back over what you’ve printed lately and what you plan to print in the future. The first step in printer-shopping nirvana is to start your search with a very clear picture of what your printing needs are. The challenge consumers face when shopping for a home printer is finding a printer that meets most of their needs and does so economically. You can specify the width of the margin.There are printers for every need under the sun but rare is the printer that can fulfill many needs well. You can specify the stapling margin width in the Specify Margin dialog box that is opened by clicking Specify Margin. Check Stapling Side, and select from the list to change it. The printer analyzes the Orientation and Page Layout settings, and automatically selects the best stapling margin position. This function can be used only when Plain Paper is selected for Media Type and one of Normal-size, Fit-to-Page, Scaled, or Page Layout is selected. Uncheck this check box to print the document on one side only. Check this check box to print the document on both sides. Select whether to print the document to both sides of the paper manually or to one side of the paper. Uncheck this check box if you do not want to print the line. Check this check box to print the page border line. Prints a page border line around each document page. The specified width becomes the stapling margin from the center of the sheet. Specifies the width of the stapling margin. Uncheck this check box to print the document on both sides of the booklet. Check this check box to print the document on one side of the booklet and select the side to be left blank from the list. Selects whether to print the document on one side or both sides of the booklet. Specifies which side of the booklet is to be stapled. You can check what the document will look like when printed as a booklet. Shows the settings made on the Booklet Printing dialog box.